Potential over over Saudi Arabia UAE of Middle East economies "ABER" ...

World ... | America Saudi and Russia to be excluded approaching ...

Potential over over Saudi Arabia UAE of Middle East economies "ABER" ... Saudi and Russia is approaching rapidly, the United States is excluded from the Middle East This week in Saudi Arabia is of Salman king, the first time Russia and the official visit as the Saudi king, to meet with President Vladimir Putin. Visit to Russia of Salman, becomes a turning point to improve the bilateral relationship. Russia and Saudi Arabia, have been conflicting opinions On Syria after the civil war, Saudi Arabia, Russia has been thought uncomfortable being in contact with the Iran is the enemy. In a meeting of Salman and Putin, but you are sure to impending problems go up on the agenda, such as Syria situation, it should be above all attention, but a series of economic agreements the two countries to conclude. These agreements reflect the Russian strategic initiatives with an eye to the entire Middle East.

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